16.12.24 Arthurs Flume - maintenance works
Please note that from 13 January to mid-April, Hydro Tasmania will be maintaining Arthurs Flume. During this time, the road between Tods Corner and Arthurs Lake will be closed to walkers, bikers and horse riders. The Tasmanian Trail Committee is looking into an alternative route for the period.
26.11.24 Sheffield toilets
Please note that the lock for the Sheffield toilets has been changed and cannot currently be unlocked by Tasmanian Trail keys. An update will be provided as soon as this issue is resolved. UPDATE: Please note that the lock for the Sheffield toilets can now be unlocked with Tasmanian Trail keys.
24.11.24 Stage 5 (Distance Travelled - 20.9 km)
The Old Liffey School House building is no longer available for use for overnight stays and camp fires are not permitted.
The School House grounds are available for use provided people are self sufficient. Toilet facilities are also available for use. Trail users are reminded to take rubbish with them (what you take in, you take out).
3.10.23 Pumphouse Campground (Page 35, Point 46)
Camping is available for members on the right-hand side of the BBQ sheds at a cost of $10 per camper, Management will collect payment in the evening or payment can be made at the Arthurs Lake Roadhouse 1 km further up the road. Horse yards are in the process of being installed, however those with horses must look for alternative arrangements until horse yards are completed in the coming weeks. A further update will be provided soon.
30.08.23 Kensington Park camp
Stage 13, point 23.1, page 58 of the guidebook. A Tasmanian Trail key is needed to gain entry to the trotting track off the main road. Due to vandalism, the Derwent Valley Council will keep the main gate locked for the foreseeable future.
21.06.23 Trail changes in the South
Please note if you are on or planning to travel the Trail in the next four weeks or so that Stormhill Road near Dover has been closed due to logging activities. There is a detour via Hopetoun Road now available. Please look out for detour signs.
6.11.22 Sheffield campsite amenities
The Sheffield campsite now has a working shower and toilet block which can be accessed with the Tasmanian Trail key. This block is maintained by the council.
Please note that the showers are coin operated.
10.5.22 Campsite Liffey
Please note that the old school house is not available to users of the Trail. Camping in the grounds is permitted (guidebook page 31, point 20.9) and the toilet is available. Discussions are being had with the management committee.
4.10.19 Camping at Bracknell
The local Council has decided that only self-contained vehicles can overnight on the riverside reserve at Bracknell (refer to p.33 of the guidebook, point 36.5). The only alternative accomodation for Trail users in the area is behind the Hotel, by arrangement, or at the Old School House at Liffey.