Devonport to Dover

Tasmanian's only long distance multi-use trail.

Treks for Walkers

The treks described for horse riders would also be suitable for walkers although some may be a little long. The Trail can be accessed at many places by support vehicles and walks can easily be shortened.

Short walks include: -

1. Railton to Sheffield 12.3km - an easy walk by following the Old Sheffield-Railton Rail Link.

2. Jones River to Ellendale Road 7.6km - climb Mt Bethune to experience the magnificent 360 degree views from the top and then continue down the southern side to follow Rockmount Road to Ellendale Road. Or return to your vehicle at the Jones River camp.

3. Ellendale Road to Glenora 18.8km - a walk entirely off busy roads through private farmland. Good views can be had from the higher points along this section.


Northern Coordinator (Dakota) 0418 155 547
Central Coordinator (Dakota/Cat) 0418 155 547 / 0427 484 887
Derwent Valley Coordinator (Cat) 0427 484 887
Southern Coordinator (John) 0419 500 320
Secretary/Exec Officer (Don) 0426 240 227
Bikepacking Contact (Andreas) Email only


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Date Event
30 March Trail meeting
Venue TBA, Cressy