Devonport to Dover

Tasmanian's only long distance multi-use trail.

Tasmanian Trail

The Tasmanian Trail Association Inc.

Derwent ValleyThe drive for the Tasmanian Trail came from the Tasmanian branch of the Australian Trail Horse Riders Association, an incorporated, non-profit body with a vision to offer a rich and unique natural trail experience. They saw the opportunity to build on the concept of the Bicentennial National Trail inspired by the legendary R M Williams. It was this motivation that resulted in the formation of the Tasmanian Trail Association Inc. which is responsible for the Trail’s management, maintenance and promotion.

River crossingThe Tasmanian Trail’s existence today is the result of a dynamic partnership between volunteer groups, private landowners, public agencies and the State and Federal Governments and is a growing, living thing. Its ongoing life depends on the care provided by volunteers and on the extent to which their support can be kept alive in workable management partnerships.  The Association manages the Trail with funds raised through membership ($70), fundraising events and donations. The cost of maintenance of the Trail is considerable and we are not supported financially by government. The management team is made up entirely of volunteers and all funds raised go back into the management of the Trail.

Dee LagoonThe Trail passes over many types of land tenure including private property and there is a need to provide some legal protection to the land owners and managers. Insurance is our largest ongoing expense but is only applicable to members of the Association and to ensure that both users of the Trail as well as the interests of the land owners are protected, we need to restrict the distribution of the guidebook to members.



Joining the Tasmanian Trail Association is a great way to show your support for the Trail and keep in touch with developments, route updates and opportunities to participate in activities. As a Trail member you have the satisfaction of supporting the development of the Trail, and also enjoying a number of additional benefits:

•  Access to the Tasmanian Trail Guidebook;Central Highland lake

•  Receive free and friendly attention from Area Coordinators for local Trail knowledge;

•  Participate in the administration of the Trail and attend management meetings.

Please note, membership is for the financial year renewable on 1 July although if taken out between 1 April and 30 June the following financial year is included.

Thank you and I hope you will join.

                 Secretary, Tasmanian Trail Association.

Please note: The Guidebook and key(s) are only available to members. See below to subscribe.


PayPal or Credit Card
You can pay with your PayPal account or Visa/MasterCard (through PayPal).

Tasmanian Trail Membership Plus


The cost of maintaining the Trail is considerable, we are not supported financially by government and the management team is made up entirely of volunteers.

Your membership fee contributes to Trail maintenance and insurance to protect members as well as the interests of the land owners.

Membership provides access to the Trail Guide Book and Trail GPX Files and members can hire Trail keys.


Northern Coordinator (Dakota) 0418 155 547
Central Coordinator (Dakota/Cat) 0418 155 547 / 0427 484 887
Derwent Valley Coordinator (Cat) 0427 484 887
Southern Coordinator (John) 0419 500 320
Secretary/Exec Officer (Don) 0426 240 227
Bikepacking Contact (Andreas) Email only


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Date Event
30 March Trail meeting
Venue TBA, Cressy