Devonport to Dover

Tasmanian's only long distance multi-use trail.



The Region is renowned for its unique and diverse environment, mountain settings, extensive forests, untouched coastlines, rural towns, heritage buildings and productive agriculture lands. Many people use this section of the Trail on a regular basis for their chosen recreation pursuit, for walking, riding their mountain bike or horse.
The route from Devonport leads users through a number of small towns.
Latrobe is home to the Australian Axeman's Hall of Fame, Sheffield is noted for its colourful wall murals and Deloraine for its Yarns Artwork in Silk display at the Great Western Tiers Visitor Centre.
This section offers a relatively easy start to the long distance journey, or for many, an ideal regional experience along the northern base of the Central Highlands under the shadow outstanding natural monoliths such as Quamby Bluff and Mt. Roland.
Opportunities exist for travellers to visit attractions close the route of the Tasmanian Trail.
Information on regional accommodation and attractions can be obtained by following the links provided on this page.