International Matters

Transfer of funds

The most convenient way of transferring funds is by PayPal.

If transferring funds via a bank the International SWIFT Code is CTBAA2S


If using PayPal to pay for the hire of a key the normal arrangements apply (see the Keys button).

If paying for the hire of a key through a bank problems arise when refunding the hire fee. Due to the restrictions placed by banks on transferring funds from Australia to other countries, the refund of small amounts incur bank fees that are prohibitive compared to the amount involved. As a result the Tasmanian Trail Association has taken the decision to make special arrangements for international visitors. A non-refundable fee of $50.00 is imposed for the supply of a key and the key need not be returned.

However, if an international visitor is able to have a refund made to an Australian bank account after a key is returned the normal arrangements will apply. A deposit of $100 will apply and a refund of $80 will be made.

Keys can be obtained near the northern end of the Trail in Latrobe (see guidebook for details) but to receive the refund the key is to be returned to the place from which it was obtained. This would likely be difficult for a visitor staying in Tasmania for a short time.