GPX file

Members can obtain a GPX file to load into their GPS via the Trekkers Login. This 'track' file contains a snail-trail that follows the Trail for its entire length and includes all alternative routes. If a user deviates from the Trail, the deviation will display and a correction can be made to return to the line of the Trail. This file supplements the guidebook which not only provides directions to navigate along the Trail but also details other essential information. 
The Tasmanian Trail may change from time to time due to factors outside of our control. These changes will be contained within the Trail's official GPX file. Trail users must only use the current GPX file available on the Tasmanian Trail website. It is recommended that the GPX file is downloaded as close as possible to setting off on your adventure, to ensure your copy is up-to-date. The Tasmanian Trail Facebook page and website bulletin board are good sources of current information and it is recommended that these sites also be monitored whilst on the Trail.